Update 1 - Stabilize and fix - V2
Hey, V2 here !
A bit more changes this time, most of the code that needed to be refactored has been dealt with, it is still a WIP patch but some big bugs were fixed, such as one that made the rocket unfuelable once it has been built, or another that froze the game after completing two planets.
Quite a lot of small things changed all over the place, firstly the bubbles above the factories and other buildings now have most of their bugs fixed and display extra info about what it currently contains ! For example for the rocket factory you can now know what you're missing between ingots and gaz, same for the fuel bubble, it's now much clearer as it display the amount of each type of fuel there is currently in the factory :

The icons were also re rendered, they're brighter but still not enough to be clearly read, same for the font, so improvements still are to be made, but this is a step in the right direction ! ;)
Dropping has been overhauled, making horizontal drop speed much greater, but it had a weird secondary effect : dropping an item while moving backward would throw it against you and gave you some speed boost, so picking and dropping as fast as possible an item while moving backward would actually make you fly at some point, going at a sufficient speed to orbit the planet without even needing the jetpack. Although this was fun it has been fixed as it would get really annoying when simply trying to drop some items.
Another feature is starting to make it to the game, it actually was suggested in the comments on the ludum dare page, spawning some light beams on important structures, such as factories and the monster for example, even though the planet is small, finding your way around can be quite difficult, hence colored beams ! (and no, this does not mean legendary loot)
Last thing i changed the player bar to a planet resources bar, as the player doesn't even have health and i still don't if it will, i thought it could represent how much stuff was left on the planet, it's not very precise as it doesn't take into account items, but it's at least used for something that could become useful once i add more recipes.
That's all for this update, there's still quite a lot of stuff happening in the background which doesn't really impact gameplay or the content, like some inventory optimizations or some code refactoring, i'm only working on my spare time on this game, advancement is being made even if it's way slower than during the jam, i can't really work 44h during all my week-ends, my body would fail to survive that ^^
Get Monstrous Affection
Monstrous Affection
Status | Canceled |
Author | PatateNouille |
Genre | Survival |
Tags | Crafting, Ludum Dare 46, post-jam, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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- Update 1 - Stabilize and fix - V1Apr 25, 2020
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